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- Page object pattern presentation
If you are interested in mastering Page Objects to use in your functional test automation, I have an entire course aimed at helping you.
This is the best Selenium Webdriver course that I have ever created. Complete with 3.5 hours of video tutorials that teach you everything that you need to know to create the best automated functional tests ever!
Because you are an Automation Guild supporter, you can have this entire course for $7
My $7 Course“The best tutorials I have ever seen, simply awesome. I take off my hat in front of you, you are an gorgeous professor, I am speechless to express how satisfied I am with these tutorials.” -Lisbey
What will you learn?
– Why other methods such as Record & Replay or Keyword Driven do not work when it comes to test automation
– What the Page Object Pattern is in automation
– Advantages and disadvantages of the Page Objects
– How to implement the Page Objects using Selenium Webdriver
– How to improve your page objects to follow DRY Principle
– How to improve page objects to follow SRP Principle
– How to create amazing Page Objects for gigantic web pages
“I’ve been searching for good Selenium C# videos since December 2014. I’ve been using the IDE but now it’s mandatory that I use webdriver. Just in the past few videos I have been provided with more useful information than I’ve discovered independently in 23 months. Thank you for creating this series” -Kay
Page Objects Course for only $7