1) SpecFlow BDD Automation

Author: SpecFlow
Topics Learned: C#, Selenium Webdriver, BDD

SpecFlow is one of the few C# BDD frameworks out there, which automatically makes it a highly desirable automation tool for you to use in your development projects. This framework helps you to build acceptance tests using business readable specifications. You use the Gherkin syntax to build tests that read close to plain English. Therefore, these tests are readable by the developers, testers, and business personnel, and in theory, serve as living documentation that can replace requirements.

2) Serenity

Authors: John Ferguson Smart and others
Topics Learned: Java, Selenium, BDD

Serenity is a BDD framework that works with Java and Selenium WebDriver. Serenity also offers functionality such as:

– Providing webdriver management

– Taking screenshots

– Running tests in parallel

– Facilitating Jira integration

I have not used it, but I know some people who do and they all say fantastic things about Serenity. It makes me a bit jealous that it doesn’t integrate with my Visual Studio.

3) Gauge

Author: ThoughtWorks
Topics Learned: Test automation

Gauge is a test automation framework designed by the team that created Selenium WebDriver. In their words, “Gauge is a light-weight cross-platform test automation tool with the ability to author test cases in the business language.”

Although I haven’t explored the framework myself, it does strike me as interesting since it was created by the Selenium guys. They do seem to create resources that change the world. It’s a program I will look at in the future, and you should as well.

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