Hello, tech friends. πŸ‘‹

I’m so excited to announce that I’ll be doing a live, 4-hour workshop on Comprehensive Testing with JavaScript on May 3, 2022, at SauceCon Online 2022 – hosted by Sauce Labs.πŸš€

βœ… In this workshop you will discover the latest and greatest tools and techniques to improve your ability to test modern web applications. 

βœ… You will focus on a holistic approach to testing the front-end, APIs, and back-end.

βœ… You will analyze risks and prevent those risks with functional testing, API testing, visual testing, and a lot more πŸ’ͺ

You will learn:

πŸ“Œ API testing w/ Cypress

πŸ“Œ How to test a React web app using different types of tests

πŸ“Œ E2E UI tests w/ Cypress

πŸ“Œ Visual cross-browser + cross-platform tests

πŸ“Œ CICD with Github Actions

Technologies you will use

1. ReactJS

2. Cypress

3. WebdriverIO

4. Screener.io

5. Sauce Labs

6. Github Actions

To register

1. Go here https://bit.ly/UQA-SauceCon2022

2. Select $99 conference and workshop ticket

3. Select Comprehensive Testing w/ Javascript workshop

Net proceeds from tickets sales for this workshop will go to support Ecosia’s Trees That Empower Women.