If I were to ask you to write up 20 pages for your next interview (yes, really) on the company, why you’re a great fit, and what you’re going to say and do during the interview, could you do it? I doubt it.
But if you could, how likely would it be that you would get the offer? The answer you’re looking for is: VERY. The right job interview prep is a make-or-break factor in your success in today’s competitive market.
The good news is—you don’t have to come up with 20 pages on your own. We’ve done it for you.
We have a chapter In the Complete Selenium WebDriver with Java Bootcamp that will guide you to be super prepared for your next interview. Go through it. It will change the way you feel and how you perform.
The chapter includes:
- Interview Etiquette
- Recruiting and HR concerns
- Hiring Manager Concerns
- Interview Preparation
- Questions you should be asking yourself
- Review the job description and create speaking points for each job responsibility
- Common Interview Questions
- Situational Interview Questions
- Questions Worth Asking
- What NOT to say
- Thank you email
- QA – Technical Resume
- QA- Technical Interview Round
- QA- Native Language
We also offer some extra bonus!! The “Most Popular Automation Interview Questions” It’s an Ebook that will help you to master any IT interview, containing more than 50 questions!
We walk through all the most important questions you will see in an interview for your IT career.

From questions such as “What are the levels of Automation?” to technical questions such as “What is the difference between CSS selector and XPath locators?” This interview eBook will provide you sample answers and many more interview questions! We hope you find this Ebook useful in reaching your future goals.
Here it’s a video recording if you want to watch one chapter!
What are you waiting for?? Check the free preview of the Complete Selenium WebDriver here.