What will you learn in this lecture?

In this video, we will go through the syllabus of the course Introduction to Sauce Labs with Selenium Webdriver to familiarize yourself with the topics you are going to learn. In the previous tutorial, we went through the prerequisites of the course to ensure that you understand everything being taught.


Now let me tell you exactly what you’re going to learn in this course.

First, we’re going to start off by learning a little bit about Sauce Labs. You’re going to learn what it is, its advantages and disadvantages.

Afterwards, I’ll teach you about the sauce labs user interface. I’ll teach you how to sign up for a free trial and then you’ll learn about the sauce labs user interface. A couple of the different tabs special pains that you need to know in the sauce labs user interface.

Next, I’ll teach you how to point the tests to Sauce. You’re going to learn about remote Webdriver and desert capabilities. You’re going to learn how to use those two objects to talk to Sauce Labs and make your tests run there.

After your tests are running, you’re going to learn how to debug them because right that’s very important in order to figure out the problems with our test.

Why do our tests fail? You’re going to learn how to analyze those tests and see the results. And in order to come up with a better conclusion.

And finally, we’ll have a final exam so that I can test all of your knowledge so that you can make sure that you learned everything that you’re supposed to learn in this course and then you’ll give yourself a pat on the back and have an amazing day.

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Next Tutorial

In the next tutorial, you will learn about the different advantages of Sauce Labs in running automated tests with Selenium Webdriver.

What will you learn in this course?

This course is an introduction to Sauce Labs with Selenium webdriver.

Taught by Nikolay Advolodin, CEO of ultimateqa.wpmudev.host. He had been teaching test automation for 5 years and is the author of top rated online courses to 50,000 students in over 100 countries around the globe.

In this course from Ultimate QA, you will learn:

– Why Sauce Labs is an amazing test automation tool.

– Overview of Sauce Labs.

– Sauce Labs advantages and disadvantages.

– How to analyze results.

– How to perform live debugging.

At the end of the course, you will take a final quiz along with the answers to the quiz questions for better understanding.

Take This Entire Course for Free

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