What will you learn in this lecture?

In this video, we will learn about tunnels, analytics, and archive tabs in Sauce Labs. In the previous tutorial, we went through the process of doing manual cross-browser testing in Sauce Labs.

Tunnels, Analytics, and Archive Tabs

One other quick thing that I wanted to mention about the manual testing tab. If we go back to the dashboard here you’ll actually see that I have one out of six of my concurrent sessions running for the manual testing session. And it’s wasting my minutes. So if you’re using that free trial don’t forget to stop your manual testing session. Otherwise, you’ll be wasting minutes for no reason.

So you have to end the session and then when you go back to the dashboard is going to stop and it is going to stop clocking you for the free minutes that you get for the manual testing just enough why anyways. So over here on the left, you can see exactly the same thing. You can see the manual tests tab that will just take you there. Then we got tunnels although we’re not going to cover in this course.

It may be something that you want to use in the future tunnels what you can do is actually use what’s called sauce connect to create a proxy that will allow you to test your application on a secure environment.

Not not saying that it’s not secure but on your own environment so for example if your application is only internal basically it’s not accessible to the Internet than what you can do is create a Sauce Labs tunnel and then that will allow you to test your application in Sauce Labs even though your application is not available to the public cloud. That’s what it allows you to do. I’ve used it in the past. It’s very handy and it works really well.

Then we have the analytics tab here the analytics tab is something new and interesting from sauce labs. No other cloud provider cloud Automation Provider has is doing this yet. Not that I know of at least an old browser stack and other providers are not doing this. They’re providing analytics now that tell you how your test automation is working.

You can see the tags that are running and how they’re passing and so on and so forth. And actually, we’ll get more into this in the future.

And then there is the archives tab the archives is just where all of your sessions live. You can search the archives here may be based on the name of the session. Something like that you can search based on the day. You can search based on status build. You can search based on tags and platforms and browser so you can filter down your test.

If ever you want to go back and see your test history so that’s just a little brief overview of the sauce labs. We’re going to dig more into these tabs as we’re tackling them in the rest of the course.

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Next Tutorial

In the next tutorial, you will learn about the overview of the solution.

What will you learn in this course?

This course is an introduction to Sauce Labs with Selenium webdriver.

Taught by Nikolay Advolodin, CEO of ultimateqa.wpmudev.host. He had been teaching test automation for 5 years and is the author of top rated online courses to 50,000 students in over 100 countries around the globe.

In this course from Ultimate QA, you will learn:

– Why Sauce Labs is an amazing test automation tool.

– Overview of Sauce Labs.

– Sauce Labs advantages and disadvantages.

– How to analyze results.

– How to perform live debugging.

At the end of the course, you will take a final quiz along with the answers to the quiz questions for better understanding.

Take This Entire Course for Free

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