What is Selenium 3.0

Selenium web application testing software has been used for a number of years, and the benefits ripped by programmers make it necessary to continue improving the framework. There are different versions of selenium that have been produced. We know about Selenium remote control, Selenium 2.0 and the latest version which is Selenium 3.0. Each of these versions is an improvement of the latter version and therefore better user experience.

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Selenium 3.0 is An Upgrade of Earlier Version

Application developers are always looking for better way of improving the user experience, and so it is important to give advancements on each version released. The users will find the application relevant only and if the developers invest in reviewing initial applications developed and give a polish on the bugs that might be in the previous version. The developers of Selenium saw it necessary to introduce Selenium 3, and this was to improve selenium 2.0 offering. Therefore, there are a number of new features that were presented to the users with this new version.

Web Driver Users Have a Better Experience

With the release of Selenium 3.0, the users of Selenium web driver have a better experience than they had with the version 2.0 of selenium. So this means they will be able to achieve better results as a result of bug fixes that have been introduced with selenium 3.0. The web driver API`s in selenium 3.0 is more superior than in 2.0. The code remains the same, but the representation and the user experience are upgraded.

Selenium 3.0 Grid Users Will Find Bugs in Selenium 2.0 Fixed

If you are a regular user of Selenium grid, then upgrading to Selenium 3.0 you will find a better experience as the grid bugs that were in 2.0 have been fixed to give a better experience. This was necessary because several grid users on selenium forum and online communities complained of several issues faced when using the grid in 2.0. The Selenium 3.0 offers the necessary changes for a better user experience.

Users of Selenium RC Will; Be Affected After Upgrading to Selenium 3.0

The old version of Selenium web driver will not work after you upgrade to Selenium 3.0. You very well remember that the selenium 2.0 introduced the web driver in replacement of the selenium remote control. Therefore with the new release, RC will no longer be supported. You just have to make sure you learn how to use the web driver since selenium 3.0 will have RC.

Original Selenium Core Implementation

The selenium 3.0 comes with deletion of selenium core implementation. This is as a result of the need to have a modern web testing which is more sophisticated and complex for better results. The original code of RC has been replaced officially with something that has been backed by the web driver, contained in the legacy package.

Wrap Up

Selenium 3.0 releases are a step in the right direction. More importantly, an upgrade that has more to offer compared to the former versions. Therefore, programmers should download it for a better testing experience.