Selenium has taken the world by storm, and its upward trajectory will continue on in the future. So it is best to prepare for the most challenging, intriguing Selenium interview questions. Reading through the best answers and finding out more about Selenium will keep you competitive in the market and up-to-date with latest advancements.

Top 10 Selenium Interview Questions  and their Answers

Let’s hit it off, shall we?

Q: What Is Selenium?

This is a classic, of course! Selenium is one of the most famous, world-renowned testing suites available nowadays. Testers use it to test web applications and offers great options in the field of software testing.

Q: What Makes Selenium So Popular?

Another frequent question is this one. In a nutshell, Selenium is cost-effective and easy to use. It is compatible with all browsers and comes with no requirements for special training. More than that, there is a growing trend worldwide with enterprises migrating to Selenium and the support is stellar.

Q: Are There Any Challenges with Selenium?

Of course, there are! First of all, Selenium is only used for web applications. It doesn’t support the Bitmap comparison, and there are third-party tools for reporting. Then, Selenium does not have vendor support and maintenance can be tricky.

Q: What about Exceptions?

One of the best answers to Selenium interview questions includes the following exceptions: NoSuchElementException, WebDriverException, TimeoutException, NoAlertPresentException, and NoSuchWindowException.

Q: What Is a Selenium Hybrid Framework?

When there is a combo of keyword-driven and data-driven framework, then you have a hybrid framework in Selenium.

Q: Why Use Headless Drivers in Selenium?

Headless drivers offer the standard functions of the web browser. However, they run and are based on command-line tool and without screen output. For these reasons, headless drivers are perfect for an automated setup.

Q: Single and Double Slash in X-Path – Differences

A single slash initiates selection from the node of the document, resulting in absolute path expressions. A double slash, however, initiates selection from any part of the document, creating relative path expressions. This is their main difference.

Q: Assert and Verify Commands – Differences

Assert is the command to use when you need to classify the condition as true or false. You can execute it upon validating the condition. If it is false, however, you should not execute execute it.

Verify is the command to classify the same thing, but without any impact on the execution. Even if the command is false, it will be executed.

Q: How to Read a JavaScript Variable in Selenium

Undoubtedly one of the most comprehensive answers to Selenium interview questions is this one:

// Initialize the JS object.

JavascriptExecutor JS = (JavascriptExecutor) webdriver;

// Get the current site title.

String sitetitle = (String)JS.executeScript(“return document.title”);

System.out.println(“My Site Title: ” + sitetitle);

Q: What Do You Find in Selenium?

Finally, there are a lot of components in Selenium. One is Selenium IDE, or known as Selenium Integrated Development Environment. Then, there is RC or Selenium Remote Control. Selenium WebDriver and Selenium Grid complete the components.

Bottom Line

These are the top 10 Selenium interview questions that you ought to read through and gather info about. A great place to start, mastering your knowledge on Selenium!