
The Selenium testing framework is a perfect tool, which is used for automating the interactions with the browser. Since it offers strong open source features, Selenium has gained popularity as the best tool for testing web applications. It is possible to run the automated testing scripts by using a large variety of languages. In order to draw the maximum benefit out of Selenium automation process, following practices may serve as the best options.

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Use the Right Locators

An essential factor associated with the Selenium testing is the interaction of this tool with a wide range of browsers. It allows you to click, navigate, type and test various objects within DOM by simply using certain actions. The Selenium webdriver performs these actions by using numerous kinds of locators. Few of them are mentioned below:

  • Link Text
  • ID
  • Class
  • Tag Name
  • PartPartial Link Textial
  • X Path

Choosing the proper locator can give you an idea that a test script is successful and flexible. Your best option in this regard is using the unique IDs or Classes as Selenium locators.

Opt for Meaningful and Readable codes

While conducting Selenium testing, make sure to use the meaningful and readable names of methods and variables. Similarly, you should follow this practice while awarding a specific name to the test that you are intended to run. It is not advised to use a name which only suggests that what test is being conducted (e.g loginTest ). On the contrary, such a name must show that how the test is performed and what kind of result you may expect. For example:


The above-mentioned example explains that the login test is conducted with a valid password. Moreover, it also exhibits the expected result, which is related to the HTTP status code 200.

The best Selenium testing practice in this regard is to give your test a consistent name structure throughout the project. The particular name structure needs to be agreed upon by a large number of the developers involved in the testing procedure.

Using “Page Object Model”

The Page Object Model is a popular design pattern, being used for automation test. It assists you while making robust testing frameworks, which preclude the chances of small tweaks in the UI. The two major advantages of using the Page Object Model are as under.

  1. It provides a single repository regarding the operations or services associated with the page. Hence, you can perform the test without dealing with the hassle of looking for particular services or operations.
  2. You will find a noticeable distinction between the page specific code and test code.

In any of the above-mentioned cases, you can make necessary modifications, all at one place. Just take a look at this example for further clarification:

effective selenium testing strategy example code


By implementing these Selenium testing practices effectively, you may expect to achieve a faster turnaround, better collaboration, impressive data collection, enhanced test coverage and s quality application mapping. Last but not the least, Selenium acts as a powerful tool, which can be used by the developers and testers in an effective manner.