What will you learn in this course?

Are you struggling with working with HTML using Selenium WebDriver? Do you know how to easily identify and manipulate an element using Selenium WebDriver? How about performing a drag n’ drop on an element? If not, then these are just a few of the questions that will be answered in this course.

This course is a complete guide on working with web elements in Selenium WebDriver! Once you are finished with this course, you will know how to work with any web elements, anytime, on any web application.

In this course from Ultimate QA, you will learn:

– Basics of HTML

– All the different locator strategies for Selenium WebDriver

– How to identify web elements using Selenium WebDriver

– Master XPath

– Navigation with Selenium WebDriver

– Web element manipulation

– Web element interrogation

– Mouse and keyboard actions with Selenium WebDriver

– Performing actions such as drag n’ drop, drawing, hovering

– Implicit and Explicit waits

– How to properly handle element identification so that your tests are not flaky

– Expected Conditions in Selenium WebDriver

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What will you learn in this lecture?

In this video, we will go through the advantages and disadvantages of local parallel testing of the Fast Tests Execution course.

Selenium Tutorial – Fast Tests Execution Advantages and disadvantages of local parallel testing

OK. Awesome. So now that you know how to run parallel tests locally on your system let’s talk about advantages of disadvantage of that. Well the advantage is a bit like I mentioned before is that now you can run tests in parallel. But the question comes to how many tests can you actually run in parallel. Right if you think about it each test you need it’s own browser. And how many browsers can you actually run at once on your system.

Well that obviously depends on your computing resources power right how much RAM you have how much you have. And for most people it’s a good amount but how many tests can you actually run 10 20 browsers at the same time before your computer is completely useless and you can’t really use it.

And so what happens if you need to run a automated test suite of five hundred tests your computer is basically going to be locked up for multiple hours and running all of those tests.

Disadvantage number two of running all of your tests locally in parallel is that you actually have to maintain the infrastructure for running those tests for any of you guys that are a little bit familiar with selenium web driver and just running those tests sometimes you get into annoying issues where the browser and selenium bindings version are not matching up. And so then you’re going to get into a bunch of weird errors happening and you have to spend a few hours debugging it and then when you realize that it’s a result of the vergence not matching you start downgrading browsers upgrading you get packages until you finally have a torquing.

Now that’s just only for one machine. Not to mention you have to maintain the operating system and you have to maintain all the browsers. And if that’s just for one machine imagine what are you going to do if you have to start utilizing your machine and VM. Yes you can utilize Vienna’s in order to spread out all of your automated tests. Right you can start creating via SMS and you can start using something called selenium grid in order to spread out your parallel testing to a bunch of different VNS. That’s the next logical approach from running your test locally in parallel.

However when you start doing that now you have to maintain all of those Vienna’s you have to maintain the browsers on them you have to maintain the operating systems and all of the updates you have to maintain all of the new you get package versions on them as well. So that becomes a job and it’s home. We actually have a team an operations team that does that.

They manage I don’t know several hundred CMS and they do that regularly but it’s an entire team that actually does that. But if you’re the only one doing that and you’re running on the CMS you not only have to do automated functional testing write the tests do the testing maintain a framework. You now have to maintain infrastructure for that framework as well. That becomes really inefficient and I doubt that your employer would want to pay you to be maintaining infrastructure as opposed to writing functional tests. Right because that’s what you’re actually hired to do.

So the next logical step from that and why I don’t personally use selenium grid is I’ve run my tests in the cloud. That’s where a service like Soss labs or browser stack comes in where they allow you to run your tests in the cloud and they maintain all of that infrastructure for you. So therefore you don’t need to worry about anything. You just select which browser you want to run on. You select which operating system you want to run on. You send the code up to their cloud and they execute the test for you. They create a new VM. They let it run and then they tear down that VM and you don’t have to worry about a single thing just running your tests on hundreds of different browsers and Os combinations.


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