Software testing automation tools make the testing task easier and cheaper. On the other hand, manual testing is a demanding and daunting process that requires people to test software systems using question and answer method. Automation testing relieves people from the disturbing manual process but it is a complicated process as well. You can only use automated testing tools if you know all the scripting skills and how to write the individual codes. There have been no reports that software testing automatic tools help in saving money and other resources.

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Automation Testing Is Like App Development Projects

Without team members to create codes, you cannot do automation testing. This means if you can’t create codes or if you don’t have coding skills, automated software testing will be impossible. You there need to ensure that you create excellent codes that will make the testing effective. There are some testing tools that offer code creation services which mean with time, most of the automation testing tools will be left out by consumers. For you to succeed, you need to learn scripting language.

Many People Haven’t Learnt Manual Testing

Manual testing is a precursor of automated testing because it carries the basic principles. You cannot go directly to automated testing without mastering the manual coding skills. Make sure that you learn every bit of the manual testing and all the requirements for you to be in a position to make the best outcomes. Many automation testing fails because people haven’t taken time to learn the science or technical requirements behind software testing. Learn the whole theme itself before you start manipulating its features. This is the mistake many people do which is why they fail.

They Failed to Consider the Whole Approach

The fact that it is automated testing does not mean that you should just install the tool and let it manipulate your system or software project. Rethink the whole approach and consider the changes that are going to occur when you run the tester. Many people’s projects have failed because of this hurry to make things work quickly. There are some testing aspects which should remain manual simply because the automated testing tools don’t bear the capability or efficiency to run them. Once software testing automation works, make sure that you advance to other testing tools or procedures otherwise you will keep testing the same features over and over again.

To conclude, you need to have enough manual testing skills for the automation testing to be successful. You cannot succeed in automated testing if you don’t have manual testing knowledge which ones of them are coding and scripting skills. Buy or use the tools that have coding and scripting capability for you to get the best services. Upgrade the testing tools as you continue advancing your software project to ensure that you effectively test the new features. Many have failed simply because they want a shortcut to testing their software projects.