While the covid 19 outbreak has been difficult for all businesses around the world, one of the domains which has really resisted this disruption and turned challenges into opportunities is the IT department.

In this internet dominating world where networking and communication is no more of an issue, the IT’s took this advantage and maintained its business continuity even while working remotely.

The collaborative tools kept the communication flowing between different teams and the flexible working hours boosted the productivity. The testing time of covid 19 has ingrained on IT industry that work from home can even work better if sincere inputs are given, and the employees can benefit in abundance with the flexibility of time provided.

Similarly, the testers can turn this disruptive pandemic phase into a boon. So let’s discuss some ways that will help testers to increase their productivity during pandemic.

1. Collaborate with team member using good tools 

Many people take this for granted but a healthy collaboration is the key to success. Good collaborative tools like Jira, Github and  Slack should be utilized to flow communication between testers, developers, operations team and stakeholders.

Good communication  between various team members in an agile environment ensures enhanced product development. Adhoc testing solutions can be addressed which can boost the efficiency of the product. All the product updates can be shared to the stakeholders through test analytics  reports or even video conferencing.

2. Analyze and Rebuild your Action plans 

Truly said “deams without a plan is just a wish” and this quote keeps us revisiting our action plans and strategies that we have set to get efficient results. One of the best ways to form an action plan is analysing your current product, studying its usage report and spot the bugs which are lowering the functionality adoption rate.

Accordingly you can increase, decrease or discard the number of test cases. Unless the problem area is clear, you cannot determine the correct solution. The extra spare time retrieved during pandemic can be utilized to analyze your current functionalities and make robust action plans to spot and rectify the defects to enhance your product functionalities.

3. Better your automation skills by learning new test automation tools 

With complex softwares coming on the market, automation testing is going to be the key player. With high speed development environments like continuous integration and devOps, brands are always hunting for testing solutions which are fast and give qualitative results, here automation testing comes into the picture.

Every now and then test automation tools are released with better versions to achieve higher efficiency, all you need to understand which will be the best for your product. It’s not necessary that only one automation testing tool can be help full for your product, they can be multiple, so spare some time to learn and adapt to the best automation testing tools for your product.

4. Enhance your programming skills 

Automation testing being crucial with complicated softwares dominating the market, you need to polish your programming skills to produce quality products. 

Knowing just one or two programming languages is not enough if you are aspiring to become an automation tester. Follow the latest trends and keep growing your knowledge. One of the best sources for growing your programming skills is in the books. Revising and learning new programming languages would be absolutely worth investing your time in the extra time during pandemic. 


The disruptive phase of pandemic has really taught us many positive things and one is time management. If we really want we can spare time during work from home and utilize it in learning new things.

We are aware that mobile application testing is not a cake walk, and are always struggling to manage our time for innovation. The work from home culture by now has ingrained in us the art of time management and hence the mobile application testers can bank some time for using their creativity, learning and implementing something new.

So do check some of the key pointers on how you can best utilize your time during pandemic and boost your productivity as well as learn something new and innovate.