Automation Guild
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Everything you need to know to truly master test automation

We’re here to help you learn test automation and get a better job. We’ve put together our best tips on where to learn test automation, what are the automation patterns recommended by experts, and the best websites to practice test automation coding.

Video Course

Complete Selenium WebDriver with Java Bootcamp

A complete, step-by-step video course to take your automation from zero to expert.


Best Websites to Practice Automation Testing

The most in-depth guide on the web about where to practice automated testing.


Automated Testing Best Practices

A collection of automated testing best practices supported by data.

Video Course

Selenium WebDriver Masterclass with C#

Build your own automation framework from scratch and master Selenium WebDriver. No prior knowledge needed.

Latest Content

New content gets published throughout the week on the blog. Follow the Ultimate QA blog to get the latest guides, reviews and insights to help you master test automation.