by Nikolay Advolodkin | May 31, 2020 | Uncategorized
The Easy way Learn how to install Maven on Mac OS Following the instructions in this article The other way Download MavenExtract itMove the apache-maven-x.x.x folder to a permanent location. For example /Users/nikolay/apache-maven-3.6.3Open your bash_profile cd ~/...
by Nikolay Advolodkin | May 6, 2020 | Uncategorized
Automation engineers find ways to optimize their practice and to find the most reliable results. This is the difference between having confidence in a feature launch, going over-deadline and over-budget. As all engineers are aware, there’s a huge difference between...
by Nikolay Advolodkin | Mar 31, 2020 | Uncategorized
I recently had an excellent conversation with my bud Titus Fortner and realized that it’s actually pointless to check whether a page has loaded. Since all automated browsers tests aim to mimic user behavior, at some point we will be making a UI interaction. At...
by Nikolay Advolodkin | Mar 17, 2020 | Random, Uncategorized
Since most of the world is now confined to the home office, it’s still important to stay productive. I have been working from home full time for almost two years now and I have been running my blog on nights and weekends since 2013. I would say that I’m...
by Nikolay Advolodkin | Sep 29, 2019 | Uncategorized
A few months ago I purchased the Tony Robbins Business Mastery program because I was interested in becoming an overall better leader and improving my organizational skills. Hoping to achieve better outcomes for my career. Tony Robbins is an amazing human being and is...
by Nikolay Advolodkin | Dec 26, 2018 | Uncategorized
Source – Pixabay Working in or with an offshore development company demands excellent performance. Code quality is essential in this event, as it should be in any case. To ensure you have the required type of code on hand for your work, you need to know how to...