What will you learn in this lecture?

In this video, we will review the Sauce Labs topics. In the previous tutorial, learned the answers to the quiz.

Review of Sauce Labs Topics

All right sadly we’re coming to an end of this fantastic sauce labs tutorial I’ve truly enjoyed teaching you and sharing knowledge and I really appreciate that you took time out of your day in order to be with me and to watch and even finish just tutorial.

A lot of people don’t finish tutorials I don’t know why but they don’t. So the fact that you’re getting here is phenomenal and I’m very happy. Let’s go ahead and go over a bunch of the concepts that we’ve covered in this course so that you can be more prepared for the final exam.

We first started talking a little bit about the sauce labs user interface I introduce you to the user interface and I showed you a couple of the different pain where you can go you have the automated builds pain the automated tests pain and the manual tests pain.

We spent the most of our time in our automated test pain that’s where all of the automated tests show up as they run afterwards. I taught you about the remote Webdriver object the remote Webdriver object is the object that we use in order to connect to the sauce labs hub right.

Remember we supplied URL we supplied some credentials and then using the remote Webdriver we are able to talk to Sauce Labs and then send our code from our local machine to sauce labs and then saw will spin a virtual machines for us and then run those tests in their cloud along with remote Webdriver you learn about the desired capabilities object the desired capabilities object is what allows us to configure remold Webdriver. Remember you can pass in different kinds of desired capabilities such as the operating system a browser you can pass in the resolutions and remember that you need to pass in a couple mandatory parameters such as the username and the API key of sauce labs as well as the hub URL. And once you pass all of those things in you can go ahead and run your Sauce Labs tests.

Also I taught you about the live debugging right so once you have the remote Webdriver configured you got the desired capability set up you start running your tests. Now you can do live debugging live debugging is extremely important because it’s something that you can do while your test is actually running.

You can put a breakpoint inside of your visual studio and you can go ahead and have your code stop and then you can go into the source labs user interface. You can click on the video that’s showing up there and saw slides and then you can start interacting with the application as it’s paused in the time in the special time of your test. You know if you pause it or a special line of code that’s where you test stop and now you can interact with that application and do many other things to it that you want and then proceed with your test as normal.

You also learned that automate automated tests get video recording screenshots and logs all by default. You don’t have to do any single thing you don’t have to supply a single line of code in order to make all of that happen.

Just by looking into the sauce labs hub and running your test there they automatically translate all of your selenium commands into the logs. The videos in the screenshots so that you get all of that and this is probably a very important feature because it may just make your life automatically easier simply by running your tests in sauce labs.

You get all of these debugging features that you never had before and it does make debugging automated functional GUI tests that much easier.Then i thought you 3 important sauce lap time outs. So sauce slabs timeouts.

Are those that you set using the desired capabilities and there are three of them. There is the max duration timeouts the max duration timeout tells sauce slabs how long a test is allowed to run. This is the maximum amount of time that you want your test to be executing. You definitely don’t want this to be longer than let’s say 25 minutes. But maybe you want to set it to 5 or 10 minutes to allow yourself for debugging inside of that test.

However when after your test has been tested and it’s ready for production maybe you want to send that to a couple of minutes. So just in case anything goes wrong your test is not wasting those valuable test automation minutes on your account. And remember that the point of all of the time outs is to again save you time and money on your automated functional test give you the faster feedback but also to save you the valuable minutes for your account.

Anyways back to them next time out which is the commands time out the commands timeout tell Sauce Labs how long a specific selenium commands should execute before it times out. You may have an example of a javascript command that you’re trying to execute and the javascript command just hangs for whatever reason. There are many reasons why it would hang or any other command with hang and so this is the maximum amount of time that you want the command to take.

I actually never really update this I just leave it to default and everything basically works out just fine. However if you have some special needs you can increase or decrease the command time out as needed.

Finally is the idle timeout the idle timeout tells sauce lives how long to wait before throwing an exception that your test has failed due to an idle timeout. It means that the idle time out means that there has been no activity going on in your test so why does this happen. Well for example let’s say you’re debugging a test you put a breakpoint and then you’ve finished debugging your test and then you leave to go grab a cup of coffee and you forgot about your test and that you’re in the kitchen and grabbing a cup of coffee you run into a fantastic individual and you guys get into a 30 minute long conversation and then you realize that you just wasted.

You know all those minutes in this all slaps cloud the idle time out won’t allow that to happen because if it sees that the test has been idle for let’s say five minutes then we’ll throw that exception and say hey it’s been five minutes. So the test has failed and then you will stop using your sauce labs minutes and then you’ll also get that status obviously in the automated test pain. So that’s why the idle time out.

And of course you can increase it and decrease it. I usually said it between five to 10 minutes max for my test of the ten minutes allows me to debug the test if I need them.

And it prevents me from running way too long if I forget about the test.

So that’s really about it. As I’ve said I’ve truly enjoyed working with you and teaching you sauce slabs. I hope that it drastically helps you to improve your test automation skills. I know that it’s certainly helped me and has helped many automation engineers take their test automation to the next level.

Don’t leave though yet.

I’ve got a couple other things for you. First I’ve got a fantastic bonus that I offer to all of my students. I always try to create a fantastic called for for my students that actually finish courses so someone that kind of drops off in the middle they wouldn’t get these nice offers but those that make it through the complete end and actually stick with it. I always offer something fantastic so go ahead and check that out and then after that special offer you’re gonna go ahead and take the final exam. See how you do there and then you’ll give yourself a path on the back because you are awesome.

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Next Tutorial

In the next tutorial, you will learn how and why you should continue your learning.

What will you learn in this course?

This course is an introduction to Sauce Labs with Selenium webdriver.

Taught by Nikolay Advolodin, CEO of ultimateqa.wpmudev.host. He had been teaching test automation for 5 years and is the author of top rated online courses to 50,000 students in over 100 countries around the globe.

In this course from Ultimate QA, you will learn:

– Why Sauce Labs is an amazing test automation tool.

– Overview of Sauce Labs.

– Sauce Labs advantages and disadvantages.

– How to analyze results.

– How to perform live debugging.

At the end of the course, you will take a final quiz along with the answers to the quiz questions for better understanding.

Take This Entire Course for Free

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