by Nikolay Advolodkin | Dec 8, 2020 | Interviews
If I were to ask you to write up 20 pages for your next interview (yes, really) on the company, why you’re a great fit, and what you’re going to say and do during the interview, could you do it? I doubt it.But if you could, how likely would it be that you would get...
by Nikolay Advolodkin | Nov 30, 2020 | TestProject
In this free tutorial, you will learn how to get started with TestProject Java SDK – an excellent resource for creating robust test automation using the Java programming language. I’ll walk you through how to create your free TestProject account, how...
by Nikolay Advolodkin | Nov 20, 2020 | Test Automation Frameworks
MsTest and NUnit are the two most popular unit testing frameworks in the .NET ecosystem. I always get questions from my students asking about which should be used and why. Let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each solution. Parallelization...
by Nikolay Advolodkin | Nov 10, 2020 | Selenium Webdriver, Uncategorized
We’re delighted to announce our mega Black Friday sale! This is your opportunity to take the Complete Selenium WebDriver with Java Bootcamp at a highly reduced rate! All you need to do is enter your email and you will receive an exclusive code on the 27th of November,...
by Nikolay Advolodkin | Oct 28, 2020 | Random
Those who are new to the world of application programming interfaces, or APIs, may still have an abstract understanding of how they work. To be fair, figuring out how an API is made and what it’s capable of isn’t as easy as for a physical product. It isn’t so easy to...
by Andrew Knight | Oct 21, 2020 | Cucumber
The Process of Behavior Driven Development How is BDD different from TDD (Test-Driven Development)? BDD is an evolution of TDD, and different in many ways. In Test-Driven Development, developers will go through four phases: they will write unit tests (which inevitably...
by Nikolay Advolodkin | Oct 13, 2020 | Interviews, Uncategorized
Interviews are a critical part of the recruitment process. If you don’t make a positive impression, you’re not going to get the job. It is as simple as that. In our “How to Interview?” livestream, we will ensure you master the art of interviewing so that you can...
by Nikolay Advolodkin | Sep 3, 2020 | appium
Must have documentation Appium Desired Capabilities that you can configure in your test automation codeAppium Desktop tutorial by J Lipps from 2017Appium code examples in all of the different languagesAppium tutorial series by Jonathan Lipps (Appium creator) Mobile...
by Nikolay Advolodkin | Aug 17, 2020 | Interviews, Uncategorized
Information technology resumes are unique from many other resume types. It’s important when applying for IT jobs, to use a resume that is technology focused. After all, you want to convince the recruiter that you are an expert in tech. Don’t you? While crafting an IT...